Things You'll Find

Thursday 5 February 2015

My Blue Heaven No More - an update

I've been playing around with one half of the My Blue Heaven blocks, which once you take the stars out, looks like this.

It looks okay, but perhaps a little dull.

So I've been messing about with bits of fabric to see if I like anything more. Here I've just added some half square triangles.  Use your imagination quite a bit in the next few photos.

I don't mind that and it would look lovely with a big hand quilted wreath in the centre of each cream block, but I can't see I will have time to hand quilt much in the near future.

Although as the photo shows below, once I have more than a few it looks very nice.

I'm sorry for the blurry photos.  Can't seem to get the Ipad/Ipod system of photographing working well.

My aim is to piece the background square, not cut it from one fabric, as I think that would look better.

I then added a few blocks of the hourglasses to see what that looks like.

I don't mind that, and it would certainly be easy enough.

And then finally, I placed them on point.  I actually think I prefer this version, I like the way it makes a circle of sorts that you can see.  I'm not really sure how to make these units but I can work it out, I'm sure.

So what do you think?  Whilst the cream blocks would look lovely hand quilted, I think I know my own limitations and I already have four quilts lined up and basted, ready for hand quilting that I can't seem to get to.  So I think I will rule that out.

Anyway.  I shall mull on it.


  1. You will have that quilt finished before you know it, do you plan things out in EQ at all?

    1. I do try, Jude. As with everything, I rush things. I need to take the time and sit and enjoy the process, including designing. Something I am dealing with :)

      Thanks for your post.


  2. I am with you - far and away prefer the last variation. Have you tried adding in another colour? My eye is screaming yellow, but that may not work at all.

    1. Hi Dasha

      Thanks for your input - I hadn't considered another colour. I shall certainly give it some thought. My plan of action today is to work out how to make the onpoint block and see what that looks like up there on the wall.
