Things You'll Find

Thursday 12 February 2015

Blue Star Quilt

Yeah, Blue Star Quilt is a much more interesting name than My Blue Heaven.


It's late when I'm writing this post and my brain doesn't want to work well.  But tomorrow perhaps I'll have a better name.

The blocks are coming along nicely.  Sorry again for the crappy photos, this is also what happens when you take photos with your Ipod late at night with only artificial light to help you.  

I've had a - I'm not sure how best to phrase it - confounding few days just gone, and I've been feeling frustrated and over all of it.  I'm tempted to not post blog entries on those days, but then blog posts may never get written because frustrated and over it seems to be happening a bit lately.  Maybe it's the weather?  Or is there a particular planet out of alignment?  Who knows?

I'm feeling a very strong urge to pack up for a few days and go sewing on retreat.  Wouldn't that be lovely?  Somewhere with no distractions and no issues to deal with - just sewing and sewing and sewing.  

But that won't happen this month at least.  I think I'll take myself off to bed, and give myself an early night.  Maybe a glass of warm Milo and a good night's sleep will fix me.  

Milo = cocoa for those non Aussies out there.  But so much better.

Hope your day was upbeat and bright.  



  1. I've been out of sorts myself lately ... maybe there is a planet out of alignment. ha! Hope you'll get past this soon (although a retreat sounds fabulous, doesn't it).

    1. I used to work in a bank and whenever there was a full moon, people just got crankier. I am sure I can blame it on that !

      Maybe we could all go on a cranky quilt lady retreat. That would be a gold mine, I think!

  2. Sorry you are feeling out of sorts, dont know about the planets, but could definitely be the heat. Not looking forward to the next few days. Maybe you need to come on a retreat to The Sanctuary, promise you no distractions and all the comforts of home!

    1. That sounds wonderful, Jude! I'm sure I'll feel more upbeat soon, can't be chipper all the time, I guess!

  3. I will hold a cranky quilt lady retreat if you can find some other cranky quilt ladies to come. Just name the date! Hope you have a cool spot this weekend.

  4. Forgot to say that I do like the layout with both blocks together and the secondary pattern it gives. Sorry to disagree with you.

  5. Forgot to say that I do like the layout with both blocks together and the secondary pattern it gives. Sorry to disagree with you.

  6. Thanks, Jude....I don't hate the layout, but it's just not doing it for me. So guess where it is? packed up sitting in a box waiting for me to feel inclined to work on it again. I have a real problem.
