Things You'll Find

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Buggy Barn Quilt

Here is another from the vaults that you may be interested in seeing.  As I’ve mentioned before, I have decided that I have nothing more noteworthy (!!) to do and therefore I am labelling and photographing and refolding all my quilts into new living quarters.
This was a quilt based on a scrap quilt doing the rounds at the time, and was made in approximately 2000ish.  That was a very productive time for us in the shop.  I thought I would see how a small cut scrap quilt would look made up in a matching range of fabrics, using bigger blocks.
And it worked really well, I think.  The range was a Buggy Barn group of fabrics, and at the time their fabrics really appealed to me.  There’s something about this that screams winter, and it’s a great size to snuggle under.
No one snuggles under this one much though.  It’s in a bag, tucked away in the cupboard.
One day I will get rotate my quilts around and really use them.  I have so many now – yet the bug to quilt is still there all the time.
What can you do?  You just got to go with it.  I figure quilts made with love can always be given away.  These early ones are really not my best, but they were my best at the time and that’s all I can offer.
Hope you enjoyed that look at another quilt from the vaults.  See you soon!

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