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Sunday 28 July 2013

Grandmother’s Choice–An Update

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    GRANDMOTHER'S CHOICE 1 Grandmother's Choice - Barrister's Block      

So I’m more than a little bit behind with these blocks, considering the last few are being posted now on the website.  It’s my aim this week to catch up a little.  I’ll be doing them with triple sashing, in green and red homespun, unless it looks horrible.  And if that happens, I don’t know what I’ll do with it.  I’m going to make 56 blocks (seven rows by eight rows). 

This past week has been fairly hectic.  I’m hoping to have some time up my sleeve this week to make a dent in my quilting room.  I’ve got so many projects started and I feel very disjointed and unsettled.  I think by finishing a few of them I might start to feel a bit more inspired. 

We shall see.



  1. Your blocks are gorgeous, and I really like your chart. Did you write the code yourself?

  2. Oh yes, billies, it is all my own work........ :)

    No not really. It's in livewriter, and it's really easy to do. But I have no computer skills at all.

    I love live writer, it's really easy to use and fairly well foolproof. And it's free!

    Thanks for commenting
