Things You'll Find

Wednesday 6 March 2013

The Class–An Update

So a few weeks ago I had the lovely pleasure of going to my first ever real quilting class PC (post children).  It was bliss.

I arrived nice and early and set up my work station.

Course One

There were lots of ladies there to take the class but I had enough room to spread my stuff out ALL over. 

Do you do that?  No matter how much space you are given, it’s never enough?

After I set up, I took a quick stroll to see the tutor’s samples.

Course Four

Course Two

Course three

This was by far the most stunning one.  It was at least six feet tall and I don’t know how she did it, to be honest.  But it was stunning.  Gothic almost.  It looks like a church window to me. It’s no surprise that this tutor is the wife of a pastor. 

The first thing we had to do was layer all our fabrics together on top of a thin layer of wadding, and lay our pre-traced freezer paper design onto the top of it.

Course Five

From there, we had to pin it well, and then hit the machines!

It was as simple as sewing on the marked line.  It was a bit cramped at times but the freezer paper softened beautifully and it worked very well.

course six

Turn it back to the right side.

This is the tutor’s sample.  Note the colours? I’d not seen it before this day.  I’d only seen a fairly grainy photo.

course seven

The real fun began after lunch.  We had to painstakingly trim away, with very sharp scissors, the bits that we didn’t want.  Harder than it looked.

This is Mum’s version.  She got along very quickly.  Smart alec.  Mine was nowhere near finished on the day.  Hers was.

course nine

course ten

I plodded along.  I got lots done, for a first time class.  But I spent too much talking.  If I had put my head done and bum up I would have probably finished on the day.

course eight

I did get enough done for a start though.  I was pretty pleased when I got home.  Exhausted, but pleased.  When I got home, after a few days (can’t rush these things) I finished it all up.  At least the cutting part.

course eleven

course thirteen

course twelve

And that is the end result of my class.  I somehow managed to pick the exact same colours as the course tutor.  I’m not sure how that happened.  But I think I did okay.

It’s a long way from being finished but it’s done this much for now.

Till tomorrow,



  1. This is a lovely project! One question - Are your fabrics layered in any order?

  2. Hi colleen,

    Thanks so much for your comment.

    The only real rule was wadding down first, then background fabric. Then I lay down the yellow a,d red, the the blue, then the pale green of the leaves and finally the dark green of the leaves. You are basically cutting away all the bits you don't want, so to cut down to the yellow you had to go through the greens etc.

    Not hard, though very easy to slip with your scissors and nick the fabric below.

    How this makes it clearer.


  3. love the fabrics and colours you used

  4. Thanks so much Linda! I didn't mean to copy the instructors one quite so much, but I was very pleased with it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. It looks beautiful. Did you use zigzag or straight stitch to sew around the drawing?
    What is the technique called?
    Thanks for sharing.
