Things You'll Find

Friday 15 February 2013

Easy Street–finally done!


I didn’t mean to have such a long blogging break, but things get in the way.  There’s a lot happening here behind the scenes in Silly Goose country.

I did manage to finish Easy Street finally.  Out of ten, it’s not a ten for me, but it’s a seven or eight.  The colours are not my ‘go-to’ colours, and that’s a good thing, I think.  I’ve totally used up all the pink, purple and green hand dyed fabrics in my stash, so that’s a good thing to.

I don’t know if I’ll do another mystery for a while.  Famous last words, I’m sure.  Remind me of this post when I do start another one.

I hope everyone is doing fine, with the various extremes of weather.  We’ve officially run out of rain water (our tanks are dry) so rain would be very welcome here in my little part of town.  But I do sympathise very much with those forced to move because of fires, or floods.  And those of you overseas, as I swelter with forty degree days, I hope the snow is not getting you down too much.

Tomorrow, I hope to post some more pictures.  I’m going to a class.  But we’ll see.  No rash promises.

See you soon!



  1. Your quilt is lovely! It's nice to see some bright colors. Winter is too long and grey here in Winnipeg.

    Did you by any chance see the new 4 part Bonnie Hunter Mystery in the current issue of Quiltmaker? (I know, I'm evil Ha ha)

  2. Your quilt looks fabulous. Glad you finally finished it, mine is still in pieces this year.

  3. Awesome job! I still get comments on your mystery quilt from last year. Enjoy your summer, be safe from fires and hope to see what you are up to soon!

  4. Oh thankyou, everyone.

    Yes, actually - I did see that magazine with Bonnie's latest. To date I haven't started it, I really do want this year to be the year of getting stuff finished. But we'll wait and see.

    Thanks so much for your lovely comments regarding Easy STreet, I have seen some really busy ones online and I'm glad mine is somewhat restrained.

  5. Wow, that is a show stopper! Fantastic!
