Things You'll Find

Wednesday 10 October 2012

So What’s New?

Sssshhh.  Did you hear that? 

It’s peace and quiet.  Everyone is back at kindy, school and work and I have the whole house to myself, at least for a little while.

Lots of little jobs are being done now, baskets of toys are thinned out, rubbish thrown away, clothing put away and hung in cupboards.  And most importantly of all, some quilting is being done.

Before I went away, I pulled a random UFO from the UFO pile, and stuck what I had done on the design wall.

blog one

I’d made these a few years ago, they are little baskets made with a bias strip for the handle.  I coped with everything except the bias strip. 

I tried them on point.

blog two

I think I prefer them that way.  Isn’t it funny how the direction of the blocks changes the whole look of the quilt?

I had a good afternoon yesterday (no kids, husbands or interuptions) and sewed lots more baskets, and also some sashings. 


Those blocks that look like they have no handles actually DO have handles, they are just not basted in place yet.  I’ve made a strip of three rows for the sashing, and then I think I will put little nine patches where they join.  I’ve made nearly all of the sashings, and only one of the nine patches.  Teensy tiny little pieces make up those nine patches.  Do I really need to make all of them?

I like it, but I don’t LOOOOOVVVVEEEE it.  I know it’ll all shrink up a bit and look a bit more ‘together’ when the rest of the seams are sewn but I can’t do that until I stitch all the handles down.  So I’m kind of in the middle of ‘do I keep going, and hope it looks lovely in the end’ or do I take all the sashings away and try something new?

This is why I end up with so many quilts.  If I don’t end up using all of those sashings, I’ll have to make another quilt to use those up.  So I will end up with two quilts for the price of one.

I’ll have to think it over.  I’m taking my grandmother to coffee at the local rose garden today.  If I remember to pack the camera, I’ll take some photos.

Till tomorrow,


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