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Thursday 12 July 2012

Catching Up–Civil War Quilt

It’s no secret it’s school holidays, and very little gets done during school holidays.  It’s late here now in Australia, the little people are in bed and this has been the only time to myself I’ve really had all day.  Ahh, the serenity.

I’ve had little time to sew, but I did manage to do one block today:


Only because I had pre cut it, I think.  It’s from Barbara Brackman’s website Civil War Quilts.  I’ve done a few of her blocks for the free quilt on her website, and as is typical of me, I’ve put it away and started on other things, most notably Dear Jane.

However, whilst surfing the other day, I read that she is nearly about to start another free quilt series.  And of course, I will be have to start that, won’t I? 

So it seemed like an opportune time to finish these ones off.  Or at least put a dent in them.  Dear Jane is all well and good, but these blocks, finishing as they do at twice the size of Dear Jane, seem like monsters.  And much more achievable.

I’ve done a fair few of these….want to see?

Image (2)

Image (3)

Image (4)

The rest are over at my flickr stream

One of these days I’ll get sick of these reproduction fabrics, and then what will I work on?

Till tomorrow,


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