Things You'll Find

Sunday 20 May 2012

Sunday Update

Just dropped in to show you a quick couple of things I managed to cross off my To Do list over the weekend.

dear jane



Struggling to get a conversation line in between those two little photos – some days computers are just not my friend.

The first one is (obviously) a Dear Jane block, the number of which escapes me, but it’s one of The Easy Ones.  I’m going to have to start on The Hard Ones soon.  Wish me luck.

The second little photo is a library bag I made for my youngest daughter who started kindy a few weeks ago.  It’s not smudged on the white, it had her name on it and I smudged it out with my photo software to keep her name a little private.  It’s something I grapple with, how much of my children’s lives I should put online.  Remembering of course, that online is forever.  Said daughter is outside bawling her head off, life is not going her way today. 

It’s very difficult, being four years old.

Better go be a good mummy.

Till tomorrow,



  1. I also love the ladybug bad. I always enjoy your posts!

  2. Thankyou so much!

    I'm trying to blog daily this week. Let's see if I can manage it.
