Things You'll Find

Friday 9 March 2012

Free Pattern Friday

I surf a lot.  A. LOT.  And I've a million bookmarks of places I like to visit. 

I figured it would be a good thing to share some of these.  For those days when the crickets are sounding and there is nothing of me to share, I'd share some of the things I like.

So I present:

Woo Hoo, a button I made myself and everything!  I know there are lots of these sorts of things out there, but I didn't think one more would matter, now would it?

Our first free pattern comes from the very clever Crazy Mom Quilts.  It's called 'The Future's So Bright' and while I'll be the first to admit that I'm much more of a traditionalist, this quilt really appeals to me.

I'm not really sure how the whole 'Can I post your picture on my blog thing'  works, because it strikes me that most people would be happy as long as the credit and link is given.  So if I've stepped on any toes here, please let me know.  But for now, just pop over and see how her lovely quilt, and all the other lovely things she has done too.

I also like to surf doll pattern websites, because - well I've got nothing much at all to do.  I found this delightful little doll freebie here, at Judi's Dolls.

I think she's just lovely, and may well be on my list of things to do.

Till tomorrow,


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