Things You'll Find

Friday 13 January 2012

Tutorial - Quilt As You Go Hexagons

Since I posted my picture a few weeks ago of my Quilt As You Go Hexagons, I've had a couple of people ask me for a tutorial. 

So of course, I obliged.  I'm very good that way. 

Now, this is the way I did it.  It's probably not The. Correct. Way. to do it but it's my way.  And it worked for me.

Go here and download the template.  If you don't want to, you need to draw a hexagon - any size will do but remember the smaller you do it, the more fiddly the end result will be.  Once you've drawn a hexagon, you need to draw another hexagon all the way around it that is ONE inch bigger all the way around.  Seriously, it's just easier to download the template.

Print out two copies.  Glue to a piece of firmer cardboard or paper.  From one piece, cut the larger hexagon.  From the other piece, cut the smaller one.  You want to have two hexagons, both backed with cardboard when you are finished.

Collect from your stash two complementary fabrics, one that will be big enough for the larger hexie, the other that will be big enough for the smaller.  Also collect some wadding scraps.  Or Batting.  Same stuff, different word. 

Using your larger template, cut out a hexie from the larger piece of fabric.

Using the smaller template, cut out a hexie from the smaller piece of fabric.  Also, cut a hexie from the wadding.

Now, this step may help you - or you may leave it out if you've got a good 'quilting eye' - or in other words if you can guess a seam allowance okay.  I can't, which is why every single one of my hexies was a different size and needed to be persuaded to fit together.  Totally up to you what you do.

I have drawn a line one inch in on the wrong side of my largest hexagon.  I've done it in fat biro so that you can see it.  Don't do yours in fat biro.  Do yours in pencil.  Trust me.

Lay the wadding hexie over this one, so that the lines are covered and you've got an inch of fabric all the way around.

Lay the smaller hexie with right side up over the wadding hexie.


Turn on your iron.

Fold one side of the outer hexagon half way so that the raw edge lines up with the raw edge of the smaller hexie.  Pin as I have done.  Press if you wish, or you may wait until the other steps are completed.  Doesn't matter.


Skip the next straight line, and fold the second one over like in my photo. 

Again, skip the next straight line and do the final one.

Now, starting at the top, fold the edges over again, so that they lay folded over onto the smaller hexagon and your raw edges are all enclosed.  It's a bit hard to understand, so I hope my photos suffice in that regard.

Skip a side, then do the same on the next edge.

Again, skip the next side and do the final one.

Fold all remaining sides over and pin well. 

Now with needle and thread, baste around your shape so that it is nice and secure.

All that remains is for you to stitch the seams down, and I used a blind stitch for my hexies.  I haven't done this on this tutorial because it seems to be long enough for now! 

You can also quilt them and to do that I used a slightly heavier thread (handquilting thread) will do.  You stitch in about 1/4 inch from the inner seam.  Again, I haven't shown you that though I am happy to do a future tutorial to cover that part.

Press well, and any boofy bits should just press out. 

And there you go!  I hope that you enjoyed this tutorial and it is clear enough.  Please email me if you have any questions - I'd be more than happy to try and help.

All the best,



  1. You thit a great job. Thanks

  2. Suzie, my mother-in-law died two years ago, before she could teach me how to make this style quilt, just like one she had made during her cancer treatment. Thank you for posting this tutorial, I have wanted to make my own version of this quilt in her memory and now I can.

  3. Oh Tracey,
    Thankyou so much for that, you've made me all teary!
    It was my pleasure.
    I hope it brings you many happy memories.
    All the best,

  4. Thankyou so much for your tutorial. I have been looking for this pattern, which was done by a, now deceased, friend. I am not a hand quilter but want something to take on holiday. Next thing is how to join them, I assume a slip stitch? I am lookiing forward to following your blog. Carol

  5. Hi Carol

    A Slip stitch or a whip stitch, either would work. I've even seen them butted up together and machined over the joins with a decorative machine stitch - whatever is best for you!



  6. Suzie, I was impressed by the tute on hexagon quilt as you go, but I neglected to see the picture of the quilt on quilting board as I read every day each article. By the way thank you for doing that tute - I am a newbie to quilting and have learned so much from the quilting board,

    Sharon 70

  7. thank you so much for this tutorial. I cannot wait to start one. I would love it if you could make a video of this whole process right up to sewing two of the hexies together........that would be great. let me know if you can make a video. sandy

  8. Tank you so much for your awesome tutorial. How sweet of you to do that.

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  10. Nice clear tutorial. These would make good coffee cup coasters too. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Fabulous idea. I'm wondering why the cardboard pattern pieces are left inside the completed hexagon. Doesn't that make to finished project stiff? That may be OK for a wall hanging, but if the finished project needs to be laundered, you'd have soggy hexies during the wash cycle that would (or might) deteriorate or disintegrate during washing, leaving a lumpy quilt..

    1. Hi Jo, I'm sorry it took so long for me to reply. I wasn't aware that there were outstanding comments on here.

      I'm not really sure where I say leave the cardboard in - if I have made you (or anyone else) think that, I'm sorry. The cardboard is only for cutting out. Every hexie should have the larger hexagon on the bottom, the wadding next and the smaller hexie on top of the wadding. That way you can fold over the excess fabric from the hexie on the bottom which becomes your binding.

      Hope this helps,


  12. Great directions - thank you! This is the way I used to finish the edges of my quilts, way back in the 1970's when it was hard to find directions for the "correct" method!

  13. Great directions - thank you! This is the way I used to finish the edges of my quilts, way back in the 1970's when it was hard to find directions for the "correct" method!

  14. I stead of measuring one inch in, just use an exacto knife to cut out the center hexagon from the big hexagon and use that as your template, draw around the inside edge, no measuring needed!

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  16. Thanks for the great tutorial. This should be a great take along project when we travel. I just have to keep my hands busy! HA HA

  17. I see it's been awhile since you posted this and gave us a tut. Thank you. I just found it on Pinterest. I hope you're still posting, Silly Goose, as I like what I see and plan to follow from now on.

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  19. Thank you so much for the wonderfully clear tutorial. The pictures were great and a big help!

  20. Muchas gracias por tan lindo tutorial. Voy a hacerlos... Esta técnica me encanta.🌹
