Things You'll Find

Thursday 19 January 2012

Best ever banana cake

Over the Christmas break I came to the realisation that I loathed *with*a*passion* my Kenwood Chef.  My mother in law, god bless her heart, came to the realisation that she HAD to have a Kenwood Chef. 

So she brought mine, and I brought this:

Bright and shiny. 

To christen her (of course it's an her) my girls and I decided to make our favourite banana cake recipe.  And now that bananas are 99c a kilo and not $17 a kilo (yes, my foreign friends - you read that right) we can afford to let the bananas go all smooshy so that they are just right for a banana cake.

So here it is, if you'd like to have a go.

Banana Choc Chip Loaf

300g SR Flour
220g Caster Sugar
3 mushy medium bananas
2 eggs, lightly beaten
125g butter, melted
1 tsp vanilla EXTRACT, not essence.
1 cup chocolate chips (optional)

Sift dry ingredients together.

Add the wet ingredients (eggs, butter, extract, mushed up bananas) and mix quickly with a wooden spoon (or a bright shiny new mixer!)

Fold in chocolate chips.

Pour into greased loaf tin and cook at 170 celcius for approx 50 - 60 mins, or until a skewer inserted comes up clean.

I allow the cake to cool for a while before turning out - it's very fragile when it's hot.

I keep ours in the freezer and slice off a piece when I'm wanting it, little smear of butter on top and it's just divine when really, really cold.  Also is wonderful hot with a little icecream.

It's just as good with or without the chocolate.  We never seem to be able to keep chocolate in the house (someone ALWAYS eats it!) so mostly, ours is just plain, old banana cake.



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