Things You'll Find

Wednesday 28 December 2011

2012 UFO Challenge

Each year I plan to finish Every. Single. Thing.  I have started.

You know how well that always turns out.

This year I've decided to do it differently.   I couldn't possibly finish all I have started - there is just too many hours of work there and so little time to do it.  It would be foolish for me to even try.  But I can finish a few things, and that is why I've decided to join Judy's 2012 UFO Challenge.

I think the basic premise is this - find 12 UFO's in your cupboard (oh the challenge - which twelve of the hundreds should I pick?), post them onto your blog along with photos if you like.  Let Judy know your twelve (not yet sure how I do this but no doubt I'll figure it out) and then once a month, you finish one.  Easy peasy. 

So which twelve to pick? 

1/  The Blue Cream Scrap Quilt

I'm totally in love with this quilt.  It's one of those that looks so much better from afar.  I've made most of the units, now I just have to put each block together and stitch them into rows.  Should be easy.

2/  The Joseph's Coat Quilt

Maybe I'm being a little optimistic about this one.  It's a BIG job.  But goals are there to aim for, aren't they?

3/  Quilting Group Mystery Quilt

This is half pieced, now I just have to a/ find the other pieces b/ iron them all back into shape c/make the quilt and quilt it.  Easy really.

4/  Blue String Quilt

This one is nearly done, it just needs me to handsew the white binding onto the back, and then stitch into rows.  One day I'll do a tutorial on this too.  I know there's heaps out there but too bad.  I enjoy tutorials.

5/  Amish Quilt.

You've not seen this one yet.  I was going to offer it as a mystery quilt but decided it was just too challenging for me to finish/write it all up/keep posting about it/etc.  Resolution Number One:  Recognise my limitations.

6/  Orca Bay Quilt.

Am currently drowning in this.  I'm not sure I will ever get this amount of work finished for one quilt.  Not enjoying it one little bit but I'm sure I'll get into the swing of things once things settle down here.  I'm confident I'll love the finished result. 

7/  Hand Embroidered Quilt Version One

Each block in this design was made by my 91 year old grandmother for my daughter.  One good afternoon's sewing will knock this design off my UFO list.  Then I will beg my lovely mother who has a long arm to quilt it for me, as I haven't a clue how to quilt a design like this.

8/  Hand Embroidered Quilt Version Two

The second of a set of blocks hand stitched by my grandmother, this one made for my other daughter. Again, all it needs is a little bit of stitching and then quilting.  I want to get it finished as 91 year old grandmother is - well, 91 and her time may be limited (oh how I hate writing that!).

9/  Crocheted Pink/Cream/Variagated Granny Square Blanket

Not a quilting project but I'm guessing that no one will mind.  And after all, it is my UFO list.  It's taking up a lot of space in my sewing room and I'm all about emptying out the space.

10/  Flying Geese/Heart Quilt

This one consists of lots of blocks left over from other quilts in my whole pastel quilt journey, and I just couldn't make them fit.  So I've decided to put them into a quilt with a row of hearts.  I've seen a picture of something kind of the same and I think it'll work.

11/  Master Bedroom Quilt

We've been in our house for nearly four years now and I've been saying as long as that "I must make a quilt for our bed".  It already has one on there, a much loved, much used one but the whole bedroom looks unfinished.  This quilt is one of those 'I know kinda where I'm going with it but where it ends up is anyone's business' designs, but so far so good. 

12/  Framed Vintage Stitched Pictures

These are all finished and appliqued, and I have brought the frames to put them in.  I just need to hand stitch them and mount them, then hang them in my formal lounge.

So that's the list!  Sorry the photos aren't fabulous but they'll do for now.



  1. What a great idea - something that is probably worth doing :0). Thanks for posting it.

  2. That's quite a challenge you have made for yourself.
    Good luck. I wouldn't be able to take the pressure.

  3. Love your pretty quilts. Hope you have fun with the challenge. I've signed up for the color palette challenge and the UFO one. Both new to me.
