Things You'll Find

Monday 3 October 2011


Thank you so much for the lovely reception that month one of Bountiful Bouquet has received.  I can't tell you how thrilled I was to see some new followers!  It's so much fun to open your blog account each morning and see new friends!  I thoroughly recommend you start a blog - if I can do it, anyone can!

I've given you more than enough work for one month, but as with most block of the month programmes, some months are easier than others and when you have done all your homework one month, you can pick up some of the other ones that have been lagging!

I'm off with the family on a little three day beach stay tomorrow, so I thought I'd pop in and show you a couple more finishes I've done before we go.  I've realised that I've not cropped either picture, so you get it warts and all so to speak - threads included.  Doesn't that sum up a quilter?  Covered in threads! 
The first one is a really simple four patch that was once upon a time going to be a shop design, now it's just something I found scrunched up in the cupboard that needed a little button holing done and bob's your uncle. I haven't decided what to do with it now, it's a bit useless with the size it is.   Perhaps I'll include it in a backing down the track.  For now it goes in the 'topped but not quilted cupboard';
I'm not sure if I've shown you this one or not, I have a suspicion I may have.  Toooooooo much sun to see it properly, but this is definitely going to the quilter (aka mother) to be quilted.  It's my oldest living UFO and definitely needs some quilting love.  It's been a cupboard far too long, now it's time to stick the old dear on a bed someplace.

So that's all for now.  Thankyou again for the very nice comments and reaction to my block of the month.  I'd love for you to tell your friends about it, or leave me a comment so that I know you're out there. 

Till next time,



  1. Diese wunderschöne Decke darf wirklich kein "Ufo" bleiben! Sie ist so schön und wird durch liebevolle Quiltarbeiten zu einem ganz besonderen Stück!

    Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland
    schickt Elke aus Berlin

  2. Te han quedado preciosos.

    y el blog se llama: LAS COSAS DE PILI Y MILI.
    Un beso desde Valencia, Spain
