Things You'll Find

Wednesday 3 August 2011

When life gets in the way

Life has a habit here of sneaking up on you and tapping you on the shoulder, then when you turn around, it slaps you in the face.  Just to remind you that there is actually other things than quilting.

I have some little people.  One has been sick, and now as she returns to health, the other is getting sick.  Both are Very. Crabby.  Indeed.  Consequently, not much at all has been done in the quilting/crafting/anything fun department.  And to top it all off I've lost the digital camera so I can't take any photos of anything right now (which makes me very, very cross).

I'm aware I've promised block of the month details, and they are definitely nearly ready. 

But for now, here's a picture of something I did a year or two ago.  Just for some eye candy.  Wayyyyy much louder than I thought it would be, which is why it's only a table runner and not some a whole quilt.

Till tomorrow,


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