Things You'll Find

Sunday 7 August 2011

Sunday Funday

So today my DH (and I mean dear in the best sense of the word) took my two little people out for five (yes, FIVE!!) hours.  I love that man.  I sewed and cleaned and watched what I wanted to watch on television.  It was bliss.

I fished out this UFO:

I've a few other half appliqued blocks to add to it, and a few squares to cut out, and then hopefully soon I'll be able to cross that off my list also.  It was a block that was leftover from another quilt (it didn't really work where I wanted to put it) so I made more blocks to make a bigger quilt.  I could have just put this on the back of something but I tend to start new projects with leftover old ones.  I suppose that's part of my UFO problem.  Not knowing when to stop.


I had a productive day - I stitched a few folder covers and diary covers for a trading table our quilting group is holding, and I finished my paper bag challenge, which had a deadline of next month, so I'm doing well!  The covers looked very boring in the photos, so I won't show them off.  I couldn't find a tutorial online that covered exactly what I wanted to do, so I made them my own way and I'm actually quite pleased with them. 

So all in all, I'm feeling refreshed, accomplished, and I'm ready to hit Monday morning running!

Till tomorrow,


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