Things You'll Find

Saturday 16 July 2011


I've noticed that I now have some followers!  I can't tell you how exciting it was to find that out this morning.  Welcome!

It was another no-sew day today, though I did manage to cut up lots of backing fabrics for my strip quilt and sort out all the blue fabrics in my stash (surprisingly, not that many).  So no photos to show you there.

I live in Australia, and one of the interesting animals we have living here is the kangaroo.  I love the kangaroos.  They are as plentiful as you've heard.  I live in a rural area, surrounded by paddocks and fruit blocks and not a day goes by without seeing one, or two.  They are a real hazard at night time on the roads, and many, many cars have had their front end written off by hitting a kangaroo.  They see you coming, and they decide 'Will I jump away from your car, or will I jump right in front of you?' and you don't know which way they will go until they are there.  Thankfully I've never hit one, but that's more sheer luck than anything else.  They are THAT plentiful.

This pattern is one by an Australian designer, and makes great use of batiks and hand died fabrics.  It's another one of my mother's (the woman should really have her own blog, don't you agree?) who really does excel herself on these landscape type quilts. 

Till tomorrow,



  1. Your mums quilt is brilliant. She's used so many different colours to show shadow and light. Just Brill.

  2. Just keep those 'roos away from the car! I'm a city dweller, so don't have quite the kangaroo crowds where I am, but we do have the occasional koala in the trees at the back of our church. The quilt is wonderful, beautiful work. Happy to be a follower :0)

  3. Your mother's quilt is beautiful! We have deer and like you have to watch the roads as they will just step out in front of you and stop. I would love to see kangaroos instead!
