Things You'll Find

Tuesday 7 June 2011

What I've Been Working On

My current project.

I'm in a quilting group in the town where I belong to.  It meets twice a month at night time, and I don't often get the chance to go.  My husband's job is demanding and whilst he tries hard, sometimes he just can't get home in time to do the child handover.  And as tempting as it is to leave the little buggars home by themselves, I'm not that bad a mother yet.

They have a number of workshop/challenges over the course of a year and one of them is a Paper Bag Challenge.  New to me, but apparently a common thing.  You choose some bits and pieces you like - ribbons, fabrics, buttons, the choice is up to you.  You keep your identity secret by putting your bits and bobs in a paper bag and it is swapped with someone else. 

My swappee has chosen yellow.  Now I'm not real keen on yellow.  I'm not against it, and I've read you're supposed to put yellow in every floral quilt to 'keep it real'.  But let's just say that yellow and I are not really friends.  I am finding this challenge a real challenge, which I guess is kinda the point. I sincerely hope that my swappee likes it.  I'm doing my best.

I won't reveal what I'm doing with it yet just in case she reads this (hah!).  But when I do the handover, I'll show the big reveal.  I do hope she likes it.


  1. Love your careful stitching! She will love it -- or you can send it to moi! I am not overly fond of yellow either, but this block is a keeper!

  2. Thankyou so much! This is about as yellow as I could muster :)
