Things You'll Find

Thursday, 31 December 2020

New Year New Me

Hi Lovely Readers,

Merry Christmas!

How are you?

I've missed you!

It's been a year, hasn't it?  Still in Covid, though thankfully here in Australia we have it somewhat under control, and whilst we have outbreaks we seem to (fingers crossed) get them under control quickly.  Certainly that has been the case in South Australia where I am.

I feel very much for those of you who are stuck in a horror limbo of not getting ahead with it.  I really do.  I'm ready for it to be over and for us to move ahead into whatever Post Covid looks like.

Things have been, as usual, very busy.  We've had months filled with dance concerts, end of year/school graduation, parties - all Covid safe of course but still full on.  Both my girls are in highschool next year with my baby starting there (sob) and so the days of two kids in two schools are finally, definitely over.  I won't know what to do with all my spare time, will I?

We had a lovely Christmas here, we were allowed family gatherings and so my brothers and mother came to spend the day with us.  It wasn't too hot, but hot enough for everyone to enjoy the pool after dinner, I enjoyed a nanna nap and the day went very quickly.

I've not been sewing nearly enough as I would like but I do try and fit some in every day.  Of course my sewing room has been the 'chuck it all in and shut the door' room when life gets a bit out of control, so clearing a space is difficult.  But that's one of my New Year's Resolutions - to try and keep that room just for me, clean and ready to go.  No sense having a dedicated sewing room if I can't move in there.

So that's my update for today, lovely readers.  I've missed you.  I'll do my best to keep up with my blogging - it is something that gives me pleasure.

Talk to you soon!