Things You'll Find

Thursday, 29 March 2018

A final update on THAT quilt

I love the internet.

It’s brilliant for instant information, for making friends, for inspiration. 


Once you put something out there, it’s gone forever from your own personal grasp.  You have no control over it.

It’s been like that with THAT quilt.

from my post here:

I put it on my blog, I also put it on pinterest.  It wouldn’t have mattered if it wasn’t me that put it on pinterest, someone else would have eventually.

So now there are lots of people sharing this quilt online through various ways.  And without fail, every single day, I get at least half a dozen emails about it.

So here’s a final (probably blunt and probably rude) update on that quilt:

  • Yes, it’s lovely. 
  • It is not my design.  It came from an Australian website called  You can order it directly from them.
  • I can’t send it to you. 
  • I can’t scan it for you and send it to you.
  • I can’t give you permission for you to scan it, use it, violate its copyright.  It’s not my pattern.   And I wouldn’t anyway.  Because copyright.
  • I’m not sending you the pattern I purchased.  I brought that with my own money. 
  • You can’t send me the money and let me order it for you.
  • I can’t deal with the company on your behalf.  If they are a terrible company to deal with, or don’t return emails, or don’t accept your type of payment – I can’t do anything about that.
  • It’s not my pattern.  I wish it was, I’d be rich by now.

I wish there was a way to go back and write on every single photo out there that respectfully, IT’S NOT MY PATTERN. But by now it’s been shared thousands of times.

I’ve directed hundreds (I’m sure it’s hundreds) of people to their website. 

I reckon half an hour a day of my time is spent returning emails about this blessed pattern.  I don’t have that half an hour to spare.  That half an hour is precious to me.  I could be sewing! 

Anyway.  Blunt, rude update.   We keep telling our kids that once a picture is out there, it no longer belongs to you.  Funny that it took a quilt photo to teach me that same lesson!

I love my readers, I love that you come here by choice to spend some time with me and see what I’ve been up to.   Writing posts like these isn’t something I like to do.

Have a lovely Easter.  I’m hoping to be able to sew a little over the break, so maybe I’ll have something to show you.


Tuesday, 13 March 2018

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas….

I know, I’m joking.

I have been systematically working through the pile of UFO’s and one by one I am crossing them off my list.

Years ago, I made one solitary little angel for my tree:

Photo 11-3-18, 5 59 37 pm

She turned out very well and in true Suzie fashion I decided I would make a dozen of them and give them out as gifts.

I put all the stuff together (and there was lots of little bits in this angel – reminded me of old shop days making kits for people).  And promptly put it all away.  Taking up room in my UFO cupboard.

So I took them OUT of that UFO cupboard, and over the last day or two I have finished them!  Took me only a few hours work here and there, and lots of glue sticks.

Photo 11-3-18, 5 59 03 pm

Photo 12-3-18, 2 46 27 pm

Photo 12-3-18, 2 46 36 pm

Photo 12-3-18, 2 46 45 pm

I now have thirteen little angels, all set for either Christmas gifts or perhaps to decorate our lovely tree (which for the past few years has been a real one).  But the bag of bits and pieces has all been put back into the right spot and I have crossed another job off from the list!

I also spent AGES sorting through bags of fabric in the spare room – I have a very well organised sewing room, all my fabrics are sorted into colours but as I use fabrics, I tend to chuck them in a bag and put that bag somewhere other than my sewing room.  I spent AGES undoing all those leftover fabrics and resorting them back into their colour boxes.  And once again I am reminded that I will never, ever use all my stuff.

But that’s a problem for another day.  Hope you are all fit and well, and keeping cool if you need to, and warm if that’s your thing too!


Thursday, 1 March 2018

Catching Up

Hi all!

My computer is working okay today so I’ve given it a reprieve (I know I’ll regret it!).

Quick post today, busy busy but please share some photos that I have taken:

Photo 27-2-18, 8 27 53 am

Photo 27-2-18, 8 28 05 am

This is one of those ‘looks great in a photo, not so great in real life’ quilts.  It’s from Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville website and her version looked amazing but mine is not so special.  The white in real life gets totally lost, my black prints are way too busy.  But you live and learn.  Busy black prints are not good for much at all.

Photo 27-2-18, 8 28 27 am

In other news, I have a new nephew and it was a perfect opportunity to crack open a new ball of yarn (I brought new stuff because you can’t possibly use the stash for new babies!) and I’ve already made the back!  And it’s not too mistake ridden either!

Photo 27-2-18, 8 29 05 am

Despite all our 46 degree days, our roses are really pretty still.  There’s not many left now but I did manage to pick these beauties.  I do love our roses.

Photo 27-2-18, 8 28 01 am

You know what I think is funny?  We can be so precious in a quilt show, handing out white gloves or frowning disapprovingly when people touch our quilts (I don’t care, to be honest – most people are decent and clean and my quilts are FAR from works of precious art!) and this is the pile in the corner of my sewing room.  It’s still there a week later. 

It is just fabric, after all!

Hope you have a great day!