Things You'll Find

Monday, 28 August 2017

What I’m working on

It’s been very cold here still, with no rain.  And whilst it’s freezing (14) today, it’s meant to be 30 on Sunday. 

The weather just needs to calm down, I think.

I’ve been lucky enough to secure some Eye Spy fabrics and found a really nice picture online (no, sorry – I can’t find the source of the picture to give credit so I won’t post it) of a quilt I might like to make.  So you know me, so many UFO’s in process – let’s add another!

Photo 17-8-17, 3 26 33 pm (1)

Each block has one tricky seam that you need to stop and fold and resew (clear as mud, I know!) but once I got into the knack of it, it was surprisingly quick to sew enough blocks for a whole quilt.

Photo 17-8-17, 3 26 39 pm

I’m almost done with is, so hopefully in a day or two I’ll be able to show you the finished item!  Yay me!

Photo 17-8-17, 3 26 52 pm

Monday, 21 August 2017

Trying to keep warm

It’s weird, if you look outside the window, it’s bright and sunny with not a cloud in sight.  If you go outside, it’s freaking freezing.

I spent most of my day ‘chillaxing’ yesterday and dug up a UFO so old it could be called prehistoric.

Half an hour in the sewing room, stitching a couple of pieced borders on and it’s done. 

Photo 20-8-17, 2 04 44 pm

Photo 20-8-17, 2 05 04 pm

I’m not sure who stitched it.  Either Mum or I back before we left our shop. It would have been a pattern idea, once upon a time. 

Photo 20-8-17, 2 05 08 pm

I just need to back it and quilt it and bind it and it’s finished.  And I am left wondering again, why do I have so many UFO’s almost done?

All such bad news again everywhere.  I’m trying very hard to limit my online/social media time, and even the radio is getting turned off lately.  The weight of it is awful.  Hopefully turning off media translates to more effective use of my time craftwise.  Perhaps I will become more productive?  I don’t know.

We have Book Week this week, so I’ve been spending (too much) a lot of time trying to sort out costumes for one little girl who doesn’t really care what she wears and one bigger girl who is making life very difficult.  Do you have Book Week where you are?  Basically it’s a week of focussing on (wait for it) Books!  And it culminates in a parade where the children have to be dressed up in a character in a book.  Miss Nine is all over it, keen as mustard.  Miss Twelve is just at that stage where life is Soooooo Embarrassing and so who knows what’s going to happen with her costume this year.

Add to that, their ballet school has a once a year dressup occasion and you guessed it, it’s the same week as book week.  But both children flatly refuse to wear the same costume as previously discussed, so we are currently ‘negotiating’ what they will wear to that also. 

Busy busy life these children lead.  And at times I feel very much like their personal valet.  I know these times will be gone very quickly and I’ll miss them.  I just need to remember that!

Hope you’re keeping well, keeping safe, keeping sane where ever you are.  Talk soon!

Friday, 11 August 2017

A totally, completely, 100 percent finished quilt to show you!

Hi everyone.

Mostly when I show you ‘finished items’ they are very rarely finished.  They are flimsies, which as you know I am totally cool with.

But this quilt, which I’ve shown you before, has a place that it is to live, and it needs to be quilted to live there!

I’ve been in my current house 9 years.  This quilt was originally designed to go on my bed, but it got too hard and I decided to quit at the borders and make it a wall hanging.   It’s been on the go that long.

It languished for years while I fiddle faddled with other things.

This year was the year to finish it.  I only had a small amount of applique to go, and then I handed it over to my expert quilter and she has given it back to me as a work of art.



I’m stupidly pleased with it.  I did a really good job (if I say so myself) at the applique and Mum’s done an outstanding job of the quilting.







It’s a real pretty quilt, I think.  All I have to do now is hang the thing on the wall and I’m done!  Let’s hope I get to that quickly!

Hope you all have a lovely day, and I’ll see you soon!

Monday, 7 August 2017

Monsters–but of a different kind

I’m sure you’ve all seen my monster quilts, here and here if you are interested.

I’ve had another monster quilt simmering away that I finally managed to finish.


I had brought a whole stack of brights fat eighths, and had a bee in my bonnet about using the Tumbler die that came with the accuquilt (that big bit of worthless quilting supply I don’t use half as much as I ought).


So I cut them out, stitched them together in a very short amount of time,  appliqued some monsters on a piece of white homespun and then put them away.  Why?  Who knows?





I had a clean out the other day in my sewing room found them.  It took me a couple of nights to stitch them on, and it’s another flimsy done and dusted.




Bright cheery little buggars.  Great fun to do. 

Hope you’re keeping warm if you’re in Oz.  It’s freezing!  And it’s been raining!  Yay! (yellow monster is agreeing with me)
