Things You'll Find

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Another Flimsy

How many posts do I start with that title?  I think I have too many flimsies!  Is there such a thing?

Anyway, I finished Allietaire.  Finally. 

I’m genuinely happy with my colour choices this time, and the fabrics are all pulled from my civil war box(es), and you wouldn’t have known that I took anything out of any of them.  Heaving, they are.

I spoke last time of the woofy borders, and I’m not sure how to fix that.  But overall, it’s an okay job considering all the bias edges I had to deal with.

And if, when I decide to quilt the thing, I decide I can’t live with the borders being woofy, I can always take them off and restitch them.  After I’ve turned into a super quilter because of my magic wand.

I can hope.

This monster is huge, and I couldn’t even photograph it properly.  I don’t think I’m going to make any large quilts anymore.  What will I do with them all?








So there you go, lovely readers.  You can see the woofiness right down the bottom there.  I’m going to have to redo them, I know it.

How’s your Allietaire going?  Are you finished yet? 

Monday, 27 June 2016

flying geese–what to do with them….

So the wayward blogger is back.  Once again I’ve disappeared off the planet, it seems.  The mojo (or lack of) is still happening, but hopefully it’s starting to make an appearance.  It makes blogging life hard when your blogging and quilting mojo have shot through.

But I have a finish!  And I’ve photographed it!  I’m winning today!


It’s really not the best of photos.  But the story is that I had some flying geese left over from another project, and really didn’t know what to do with them.  So they ended up being these blocks. 




Sometimes when I take a photo of a quilt I have finished (or a flimsy, should I say) it looks fabulous.  Sometimes, it really doesn’t.  This flimsy obviously needs lots of quilting to make it look its best.  But I have many other flimsies that I will quilt first.  Or at least think about quilting first.

In other news, it’s bitterly, bitterly cold.  And I’m loving every minute of it.  People complain a lot about the weather here.  We are either really hot (45 C) or really cold (8 or 9 C) and it seems there are people on either side who hate those extremes.  I admit, a 45 degree day is no good for anyone, but I love these cold, crisp, bright days.

I’ve managed to finally finish my Allietaire quilt, which I shall hopefully show you in the next few days.  I’ve let myself down with the borders on this one, and I don’t know why.  I’ve followed all the rules, and it’s still quite whoofy.  I can only put it down to the bias edges that Bonnie used on her outside triangles.  That and the fact that this quilt is enormous.  I keep saying that I won’t do another Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt but you and I both know that I will.  Of course I will.

So there you go, lovely readers – an update of sorts.  I trust you are keeping warm or cool and fit and well.  And I hope you’re having a quilty day!

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Lucy Boston

Two down

Fifty four to go....

Friday, 10 June 2016

Lucy Boston block two

I'm forcing myself to sit still and concentrate on my craft for a while.  I have time today to do just that so I've been playing around with my Lucy Boston block.

I'm blogging on my phone which is really hard edit wise so forgive the out of place photos.  I'm trying to work out which arrangement I like the most.

I think I'm going to go for the middle one.  What do you think?

You know, people (technology companies) seem to be determined to steer us away from traditional computers.  Maybe I'm just being an old fart but I really dislike doing anything on a tablet other than surfing and watching tv.  And don't get me started on this phone business.  How anyone can type on them is beyond me.

Bah humbug.  I'm going for block number two.  That's decided.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Technology Woes and Losing My Mojo

I've been absent again.

A number of things have happened the past few weeks.  

I'm flat chat, fully booked time wise right now.  I don't know where my day goes but it just goes and I collapse into bed, knowing that my to do list is no shorter than when I got out of bed that morning.

How do Supermum's do it all?   I wish I were super organised.

(as an aside, whenever I say in desperation to one child 'I'm NOT SUPERMUM!!', the baby of the family always pipes up 'I think you are! Bless her cotton socks).

I do work on three separate computers.  Two of them mine, one for work.  I have two computers because I have children who need access to the laptop for school and play, and anyone with children know you just can't keep anything nice.  So I have my lovely shiny laptop which is my own.  No sticky fingers, no downloaded apps I didn't approve.  The work computer won't play nicely with the home computer and the printer doesn't work on both computers and then I downloaded something on the new laptop which made all the proxy settings stop working and then I had to find out on another computer how to fix it and it was all very stressful...........and hours and hours of my day get sucked away.  

Deep breath.

I fixed the proxy setting thingie.  Crossed that off my mental checklist.

And somewhere, I have misplaced both my my blogging and my quilting mojo.  Do you know where I have put them?

I literally have nothing on the board to show you.  And nothing to talk about.  It's all Blah Ville here.

How do we shake the lack of mojo?  How do you shake it?  I'm sensing a serious declutter is on the cards, both physical and computerwise.  I suspect overloading has a lot to do with it.  There's stuff EVERYWHERE here, and there's so much digital distraction also.  I think I'm going to have to uninstall Pinterest.  There's a big, fat time suck there.  And even Facebook, or at the very least remove the quilting and knitting and crafting groups I belong to.  I am so easily distracted right now, and not enjoying sewing the projects I have started, and yet all the while drooling over the next ten I want to make that I've pinned somewhere.

So my quilting mojo is missing and it has taken my blogging mojo with it.

And that's the way things stand here.  

How about you?  Are you quilting up a storm or are you stuck in mud like me?