Things You'll Find

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Animal Quilt - Version Two

Further to my post from yesterday (or was it the day before?) here is another version of the lovely Animal quilt.

Again, I apologise for the photos, this was taken shortly before the quilts came down when I remembered I'd forgotten to photograph it.

I note there is a new version of this style of quilt on the Craft Cubby website - it's very sweet too.

Hope your weekend is going well - I spent it with a sick child and a bucket beside us.  Ah, the joys of mother hood!

Till next time, happy quilting!


Thursday, 29 October 2015

Animal Quilts - more to show you.

By far my most popular post is the one where I showed you the farmyard animals.

That's this post here:

It remains my most popular pin on Pinterest also.

I thought you may like to see some more blocks done in a different colour way.

We had a quilt show over the weekend, and one of the ladies had done two different versions of this quilt.  I'm really sorry for the craptacular photos I managed to completely mess up on my Iphone.  But you get the idea.

I didn't manage to get a fully clear photo of the original quilt, only the blocks.  But you get the idea.

Tomorrow I'll post the other version.

Hope your day is going well!


Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Mystery Quilt Update


Okay guys, I’ve found the error.

It’s in step three.  I’ve reversed the colours used.  You’re supposed to have flying geese with yellow wings and a blue base, not the other way around.

I’m genuinely sorry for the error.  I don’t know how it slipped through.  I know it means you have a whole swag of flying geese in the wrong colour left over. Again, I’m so sorry.  I hope you can use them on the back, or perhaps in another project.  I’ve now updated all the instructions so hopefully the only ones you will need to reprint are the ones from Step Three.


I’ve now uploaded all the steps to step five, and I will continue loading the last three from Monday.  I’m in the process of uploading the PDF files (that takes a while to do) and I will update the page with those links when available. 

Thanks so much for your patience, and again – my apologies.


Friday, 23 October 2015

Mystery Quilt–Alert!

Stop sewing!

I’m so sorry guys, I’ve made a mistake.

I’m sorting it out as we speak and will repost the instructions as soon as they are fixed.

*edited to add - to save anyone else starting the quilt, I have pulled all the instructions for the weekend.  I'll work hard to get them back up by Monday Australia time.  It's not a massive SNAFU, just one the flows throughout the instructions and it'll take me some time to edit them all*

I'm so sorry guys.  You can tell me off next week for not properly editing my stuff.  Till then, here's a sad puppy.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Gather Ye Rosebuds

I don’t want to scare you, but there are sixty eight more days till Christmas. 

Let that thought settle for a while, while I show you some show and tell.




Once upon a time, when we owned the shop, I had a very dull afternoon ahead of me.

I quickly rounded up the necessary supplies (one could do that when one owned a quilt shop, which is why one is currently drowning in quilt supplies she’ll never use), and stitched this very sweet stitchery in one afternoon.

A quick dunk in a cup of tea and it’s done!

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend.  I’ll be back tomorrow with the latest instalment of the mystery quilt!

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

2015 Mystery Quilt Part Five


28th October Update:

Okay guys, I’ve found the error.

It’s in step three.  I’ve reversed the colours used.  You’re supposed to have flying geese with yellow wings and a blue base, not the other way around.

I’m genuinely sorry for the error.  I don’t know how it slipped through.  I know it means you have a whole swag of flying geese in the wrong colour left over. Again, I’m so sorry.  I hope you can use them on the back, or perhaps in another project.  I’ve now updated all the instructions so hopefully the only ones you will need to reprint are the ones from Step Three.



Hi Everyone!  I’m a day late today –no excuses, I just clean forgot.  Sorry!  School’s back now so hopefully life will return to more quiet sewing/computer time.  Fingers crossed.

We’re speeding towards the finishing line today. I do hope you’re enjoying yourself!

This week is a bit of a catch up one, because we are so nearly done.

Firstly, from your assorted blue fabrics, cut (196) 2 ½” squares.

Place in a ziplock bag marked Unit E.

Now, just a little bit of housekeeping to make sure we are all on the same page.

I want you to make sure you have all of the following up to date. When you’re sure – it’s onto next week!


Unit A – 49


Unit B – 36


Unit C – 196


Unit D – 84


Unit E – 196

That’s it!  See you next week!

Monday, 5 October 2015

2015 Mystery Quilt Part Four


28th October Update:

Okay guys, I’ve found the error.

It’s in step three.  I’ve reversed the colours used.  You’re supposed to have flying geese with yellow wings and a blue base, not the other way around.

I’m genuinely sorry for the error.  I don’t know how it slipped through.  I know it means you have a whole swag of flying geese in the wrong colour left over. Again, I’m so sorry.  I hope you can use them on the back, or perhaps in another project.  I’ve now updated all the instructions so hopefully the only ones you will need to reprint are the ones from Step Three.



Hi everyone!  Next instalment is here!

There are four more to go. Hope you’re enjoying it!


This week we should be working with larger pieces of fabrics. Hopefully it should all go together quite quickly. Do you have any ideas yet as to how it will look?

From Background fabric, cut (84) 4 ½” x 8 ½” rectangles.

From Blue fabrics cut (336) 2 ½” squares.

Draw a light pencil line across the diagonal of the blue squares on the wrong side.


Lay this over a white rectangle right sides together and stitch on line. Flip block back and press in place.


Repeat with remaining four sides.





Place in a ziplock bag marked Unit D. You should have 84 of these units.

That’s it!  See you next week!

Friday, 2 October 2015

Jacobean Wall Hanging

I’ve been plodding away for a while at the never ending pile of UFO’s, and finally – after many years I can call this one done.  I’m not sure if I’ve showed you this before, and if I have, well – time to see it again!







I seriously don’t know what I will do with all of these tops.  This one is too small to be anything more than an annoyance.  I don’t now why I started half of these things.

It’s going to be a very hot weekend here.  It was only last week we had the heater on – this weekend it’s summer weather.  No wonder everyone has colds.

Have a great one!